Most 44 magnum loadings are around 35,000-40,000 copper units of pressure while 45 ACP is more like 15,000-20,000. At the time the Army wished to replace their revolvers with semi-automatics, but naturally without sacrificing accuracy or power in the process. From the rifle cartridge data attached below from the website --- the .44 Magnum has about 1750 ft lbs of energy vs the .45 Colt or .357 Magnum which have about 500 to 1000 ft lbs of energy. Their new Raging Hunterhas been steadily increasing in popularity and starting this month, they are producing the same line of revolvers but chambered in the more potent .454 Casull. The .357 Mag’s origins begin in the early 1930’s where the police force was in desperate need of a better terminal performing handgun load. Sounds as though some clown out there thinks a chamber reamer is all you need to turn a .45 ACP into a magnum. in the movie "Taxi Driver.". 45 ACP is usually under 950 fps. However, the large caliber of the 45 ACP and penetration of the FMJ RN bullets, have gotten it used perhaps with very white knuckles, illegally on African big 5, just to show what multiple hits with it can do. Although the M1911 pistol was only semi-automatic, a number of submachine guns were also chambered in .45 ACP, including the M3 "Grease Gun" and the Thompson M1921 (and subsequent M1928 and M1) submachine gun — popularly the "Tommy gun," the archetypal weapon of Hollywood gangsters. The low velocity and heavy weight of the .45 is great for … Hemera Technologies/ Images, "Popular Mechanics"; Top Gun; Chris Christian; September, 2003, "Big Fat Book of the .45 ACP"; Patrick Sweeney; 2009, "The Gun Digest Book of Smith & Wesson"; Patrick Sweeney; 2004. And with the 340 gr Buffalo Bore 44 mag +p+ it has 1,600 ft lbs of energy. The .45 ACP cannot be relied on to bring down medium sized game animals like deer where as the .357 Magnum (with the right bullets and load) is a … The a typical full metal jacket 230 gr 45 acp travels 830 feet per second with 350 foot pounds of energy at 25 yards; The 44 magnum with a 240 gr bullet travels at 1,542 feet per sec with 1,267 ft lbs of energy. As the Thompson-LaGarde Tests of 1904 had determined .45 caliber to be the most effective pistol cartridge, Browning kept that bullet. For the best answers, search on this site The .45 acp is a slow, fat personal defense round (no matter what you shoot it out of). Get your answers by asking now. I would go with the .45 because you can carry more rounds in it and it has proven stopping power with manageable recoil which would be important in a home defense situation. So, the cartridge was developed by Elmer Keith, Phil Sharpe, along with Smith and Wesson, by performing changes on the .38 that was used back then. The following ammunition cartridge ballistics information and chart can be used to approximately compare .357 Magnum vs .45 Colt (LC Long Colt) ammo rounds. For a Ruger Redhawk price well under MSRP, you get a 357 Magnum/38 Special, 44 Mag/44 Special, or 45 ACP/45 Colt that delivers uncompromising performance and unmatched power for intense hunting or home defense scenarios. 44 magnum, hands down, even thoug it is really a .429 diameter projectile while the 45 acp is really .454, another way to look at this is other then the velocity of the round the .45 acp is a much bigger slug there for will leave a bigger hole in ur target. 45 ACP vs 9mm Recoil. The .45 Colt and .357 are fun and easy to use in a rifle, but the .44 Mag. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction; that is one of the physical laws of our universe. then the Magnum becomes a little more of a liability because there's an increased chance of killing your poor neighbor if you miss. There are some great deer hunting HG's out there, in both double and single action revolvers. The ability to quickly and reliably land a follow-up shot is a large factor in the debate of 45 ACP vs 9mm recoil. He has written for marketing firms, the University of Colorado's online learning department and the STP automotive blog. Just like the 44 Mag, the 45 Colt (often called the.45 Long Colt) is a gunshot has the revolver design. Most 44 magnum loadings are around 35,000-40,000 copper units of pressure while 45 ACP is more like 15,000-20,000. Especially for hunting deer or bear. Subscribe to our email list and get exclusive access to promotions, sales events and more! If you love the old cowboy style in the movies, the gun using 44 Mag is the one which satisfies your desire. The reason can easily be seen when looking at velocity, pressure, and case volume for loadings using the same weight of bullet. Do you consider it safe to carry a striker fired handgun NO MANUAL SAFETY with a live round in the chamber ? Still have questions? Exclusive Promotions for You. is just as easy-handling, faster and more powerful in every way. There’s a .45 Colt/.45 ACP version with hardwood, a .45 Colt or .44 Magnum with Hogue Monogrips. They are comparing a .22 LR out of a long ? 10mm vs 44 Magnum Cartridge Comparison. .45 ACP is a very controllable defense round. Firing a bullet of approximately the same weight, the .45 ACP and .44 Magnum represent different approaches to cartridge design. The 44 mag beats 45 ACP for each. In these cases, the less powerful .45 ACP is ideal. The .44 Rem Mag has a muzzle velocity of 742 ft-lbs and, after 50 yards, has an energy of 624 ft-lbs. The gunsmith created the round for a new .45 caliber semi-automatic pistol that he was also designing for Colt. Join Yahoo Answers and get 100 points today. Meaning if you start rapidly firing your weapon you will find difficulty realigning your sights on your target. To make a rifle analogy, it is like comparing the trajectory of a .38-55 to a .375 Magnum. I've heard mixed reviews of Remington Golden Sabre. Everyone and their brother makes an AR-15; they’re virtually a cliche at this point. how heavy does a bow have to have to pierce a human skull? The 44 mag beats 45 ACP for each. The result was an incredibly powerful, high-velocity round. Between the two I'd go with the .45 acp for personal defense from two-legged predators and the .44 Mag. Depending on how it's loaded, the .44 Magnum delivers between 900 and 1,500 foot pounds of energy; by contrast, the .45 ACP's power ranges between 400 and 600 foot pounds. The .45 Colt properly loaded is more powerful than the .44 magnum. for hunting or defense from 4-legged predators. The .45 ACP is a ubiquitous cartridge with a long history. The first is their bullet diameters. Ruger’s latest catalog lists the .44 Magnum with hardwood grips and 5 1/2- and 7 1/2-inch barrels, including a Hunter model with scope ring dimples on the 7 1/2-inch rib. While Mr. Browning designed a great many firearms for his own company, he was not ungracious toward Colt whom he worked for as well. The Magnum has more stopping power but the .45 ACP can still get the job done. If a 410 can also shoot 45's, can a 28 gauge shoot 50 caliber? If I say I'm hunting coon, why do people automatically think I'm being racist. Handgun Recoil Table By Chuck Hawks. It was made slightly larger than the .44 Special to prevent .44 Magnum rounds from being accidentally chambered. The .45 ACP was designed in 1904 by John Browning, specifically for his new M1911 automatic pistol, which would go on to become the standard service weapon of the United States military from 1911 to 1985. The cartridge called .45 ACP(or .45 Auto) was designed by the great John Browning in 1904. This makes it one round that should be rated above average when it comes to ballistics information and … How do you think about the answers? Although a narrower bullet, the .357 Magnum delivered a very respectable 494 foot pounds of energy, while the .45 ACP delivered 365, the .45 Colt 444, and .44 Special a mere 295 foot pounds. If you live in an apartment, attached condo, etc. Its high recoil, however, makes it difficult when multiple shots in quick succession are needed. There is no documentation of this, as nobody wants that sort of evidence showing up at sanity hearings! By contrast, the .44 Magnum is all about brute force, packing the maximum amount of energy into a single shot. 45 ACP is usually under 950 fps. The .45 ACP was designed for rapid, precision firing by police officers and soldiers. The .45 Winchester Magnum is designed for the Wildey, or some such brick a 600 pound gorilla wouldn’t wear in brown bear country. From left to right: 9mm, .45 ACP, .357, .44 Magnum (Dan Z for TTAG) There aren’t too many .44 Magnum rifles being made these days which makes them a little more unique and therefore more interesting. In recent years the .44 Magnum's supremacy has been eclipsed by other rounds, including the .454 Casuli, but its combination of power and charisma have kept it a common choice for people looking for high-power cartridges in … There are three important things to take away when you put the 10mm and the 44 Mag side by side. I'd go with the S&W either the old Model 29 or stainless 629 rather than the Anaconda with was not made to Python specs and is therefore an 'inferior' revolver. You are comparing apples n oranges. Sure, you can zero any handgun cartridge, even the .45 ACP, for 100 yards, but check the trajectory of the .45 ACP compared to a .357 Magnum. Federal and Cor-Bon are also good rounds. That is not a misprint. Its velocity ranges due to bullet weight but most loads are above 1200 fps. It was designed by the famous John Browning in the early part of the 20th century. The .45 ACP is regarded as a top self-defense round in terms of stopping power and recoil. This cartridge has made an indelible mark on popular culture. Most hunters who use a “traditional” straight-walled case are going to be using .44 Magnum. Indeed the name, Automatic Colt Pistol, reflects its usefulness in repeating weaponry. Anybody carry their p226 in single action? The .44 Magnum has earned a reputation as one of the most powerful handgun rounds available for home defense or hunting. Please note, the following information reflects the estimated average ballistics for each caliber and does not pertain to a particular manufacturer, bullet weight, You can sign in to vote the answer. Also, this caliber is better for longer range than a .45ACP. For example someone that lives in Alaska will probably go with a .44 Magnum, but someone in Michigan would use a Ruger GP100 .357. In recent years the .44 Magnum's supremacy has been eclipsed by other rounds, including the .454 Casuli, but its combination of power and charisma have kept it a common choice for people looking for high-power cartridges in hunting or home defense. The .44 Magnum is a fast, hard-hitting hunting round. A .44 magnum fired from a a Colt Anaconda or a .45 ACP fired by a M1911? The .45 Winchester Magnum is a .45 caliber rimless cartridge intended for use in semi-automatic pistols.The cartridge is externally a lengthened .45 ACP with a thicker web to withstand higher operating pressures. To explain the .45 Super cartridge, it might be best to give a little history lesson on its direct descendant, the venerable .45 ACP (Automatic Colt Pistol). The MagTech 250-grain .45 Colt has a muzzle energy of 321 ft-lbs and at 50 yards maintains 300 ft-lbs. Rather than coming to save the day in a military conflict, it was the result of experiments in hand-loading. So you can see the 44 mag leaves the 45 ACP in the dust in power. He therefore didn’t object when his client decided to name their new round the .45 Colt Auto… The absolute best caliber choice --- hands down -- would be the .44 Magnum. Lots of good factory ammo, fast, bullets mushroom and tear things up like a rifle (get a decent barrel length) and whatever you hit won't run far. Why do 99% of all people I talk to say a .22 LR is vastly superior to a .25 ACP for self defense? The 240-grain .44 Magnum is listed at over twice the muzzle energy (806 ft-lbs) and has 665 ft-lbs after 50 yards. The .357 Magnum cartridges were made to be used by the police department as they needed a better terminal performing handgun load in the 1930s. Its velocity ranges due to bullet weight but most loads are above 1200 fps. Recoil plays a part in this ability by causing your muzzle to climb with every successive shot fired. Robert Allen has been writing professionally since 2007. The .44 Magnum has a slightly more prosaic origin. Despite being heavy rounds, .45ACP recoil doesn’t get in its way. If you don't plan on using it as a carry weapon, get a full size (Government) or 4" (Commander) model because that extra weight really helps with the recoil. "Dirty Harry" Callahan carried a ".44 Magnum, the most powerful handgun in the world," and it's a .44 Magnum that Robert De Niro's Travis Bickle draws when he asks, "You talkin' to me?" The .44 Mag. I doubt you'll ever be outgunned against your typical home intruder thug. I would suggest the minimum round be .41 Rem Mag and from there the choices are almost mind boogling, like 44 Rem Mag,45 Long Colt, 480 Ruger, 460 S&W, 500S&W, and my personal favorite the 445Super Mag. It's capable of taking down extremely large game. What came from these modifications is the round that is still in use today, the .357 Mag.The .357 Mag was a handgun cartridge that provided unrivaled velocity and termin… John Browning developed the 45 ACP in 1904. It’s since been chambered in .357 and .41 Magnum, and in .45 Colt. .45 ACP users are mostly EDC personal defense carriers and those that love the big bores. However, this gun doesn’t have a long barrel, so the size of the firearm using 45 Colt is more compact than 44 Mag. I love the 45's for lots of reasons and 45 ACP would eventually kill a deer, but you just can't beat the 44 Magnum in the hunting mode. 45 ACP. 1 dead, 4 hurt in Valentine's Day mall shootings, Cuoco: People 'discarding their animals like trash', How Biden's vaccine rollout compares with Trump's, Claudia Conway's controversial 'Idol' debut, Bucs were greatest all-in gamble in NFL history, Attacks on older Asians stoke fear across California, Bumble CEO: 'We are not scared to take a stance', Power outages across Texas as snow, ice blanket region, 'I miss mom': Kids of QAnon faithful tell their stories, Nicki Minaj's father killed in hit-and-run: Police, Police: Trump impeachment lawyer's home vandalized. Ironically, it's the very power of the .44 Magnum that limits its practical usefulness. Enthusiasts modified the earlier .44 Special. Stick with cheaper FMJ for practice and get the higher end hollow points for home defense. Apparently it will soon be available in a new chambering. For hunters, or people who know they only need one shot, the .44 Magnum delivers a lot of energy. Which round is more powerful? While the 10mm ammunition is a true 40 caliber round with a .40” diameter bullet, the 44 Mag’s bullet is nearly .03” greater in diameter. From the .38 special, modifications began to be made by Phil Sharpe, Elmer Keith, and eventually the guys at Smith & Wesson. is best used with scopes in the 4x range, although irons and red-dot sights are also great. Besides reliable expansion, they have a special powder that's designed to minimize muzzle flash which, as someone else pointed out, can be important at night. On the 45 vs 10mm, the 10 mm has higher ballistics than the 45 acp ammo. The following ammunition cartridge ballistics information and chart can be used to approximately compare .44 Remington Magnum vs .500 S&W Magnum ammo rounds. Please note, the following information reflects the estimated average ballistics for each caliber and does not pertain to a particular manufacturer, bullet weight, or jacketing type. Of course the 44 Magnum wins this contest. "The great thing about the .45 Colt in modern cases as compared to the .44 Magnum is that the .45 Colt can be loaded to more power with less pressure than the .44 magnum. He holds a bachelor's degree in anthropology from the University of Colorado at Boulder. I recently got an email from Taurusabout one of their newer lines of big bore magnum revolvers, the Raging Hunter series, which was initially available only in .44 Magnum. It was the round that drove the M1911, the standard United States Army sidearm for more than 70 years, including both World Wars and the Vietnam War. 357 Magnum vs 44 Magnum: History. While working for Colt's Manufacturing Company, Browning conceived of the round as a way to increase the stopping power of existing small arms, which had proved ineffective in the Philippine-American War. 44 Magnum Ammo; 44 Special Ammo; 45 ACP Ammo; 45 GAP Ammo; 45 Long Colt Ammo; 50 AE Ammo; 7.62 Nagant Ammo; 7.62x25 Ammo; 9mm Ammo; 9x18 Ammo (Makarov) Rifle Ammo. For ammo, the Hornady TAP-FPD line of hollow points are pretty good. Depending on how it's loaded, the .44 Magnum delivers between 900 and 1,500 foot pounds of energy; by contrast, the .45 ACP's power ranges between 400 and 600 foot pounds. This really should…