", "I'm relieved that there is someone out there protecting me and my rights. I re-checked the article on 1095 steel and cross-referenced it with your comments. 1095 Steel is a basic form of carbon steel and is most commonly used in the construction of various kinds of knives. Other uses for 1095 grade steel include any of the general functions that any kind of knife could perform. In choosing the best pocket knife you should pay particular attention to the type of steel used in the blade. In my mind, it’s the only way to go! About the author. 440C is about the best stainless for the money and can be found at reasonable prices. a mix) of carbon and iron that is often enriched with other elements to improve certain characteristics depending on the desired application. Most are vintage knives that I also use everyday. Learn to use a stone and leave the knife to your grand kids. Wipe it dry and use it. This further cements the Selkirk as an excellent choice for beginners. ... 1095, a popular high-carbon steel for knives; it is harder but more brittle than lower carbon steels such as 1055, 1060, 1070, and 1080. Buck Knives delivers fantastic quality 420HC with a special treatment that hardens the 420HC over the regular 57HRC we’d expect and significantly improve upon the durability and edge retention. Item includes a brown kydex sheath with a belt clip attachment. developed by now defunct Sharon … The author’s article about 1095 is completely wrong and off base. It is an excellent everyday steel: tough, corrosion resistant, easy to sharpen, and … Valkman , Jul 9, … On the flip side of that, it will also sharpen without much effort. Steel type: AUS-8, AUS-10A, 8Cr13MoV, and 440B Common Use Case: Wide variety, usually in low to mid-range multi-purpose knives Blade Hardness: 58-60HRC Sharpening Difficulty: Very easy 9/10 Edge Retention: Bad 2/10 Corrosion Resistance: Low 3/10 Toughness: Decent 4/10 Review: AUS-8 is the Japanese version while 8Cr13MoV (MoV) is the Chinese version and although they’re … 440F (ASTM A582) is a type of free cutting steel with S content added on the basis of 440C. Compared to CPM-3V, A2 is available more much affordable and is much more easily sharpened. As to it’s care, if one dries 1095 it will generally be in good shape. We and our partners will store and/or access information on your device through the use of cookies and similar technologies, to display personalised ads and content, for ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. In many cases, knife owners use a very thin coating of petroleum jelly which can help minimize an “oily” mess. Nun, als Messerfan konnte ich nicht einfach an diesem Stahl vorbeigehen, ohne ihn etwas zu recherchieren. Wer also mehr über den 420HC wissen möchte, den lade ich ein weiter zu lesen. American standard 440 series stainless steel including: 440A, 440B, 440C, 440F. It also gives your knife a very shiny look. I came here to get good info, I’m waiting…. Zuerst einmal: Kein Stahl ist "rostfrei".Die korrekte Bezeichnung sollte eher "rost-träge" lauten.Da sich die Menschen aber an das Wort"rostfrei" gewöhnt haben, werden wir es hier auch in unseren Erklärungen verwenden.Ein Stahl wird mit mindestens 13% Chrom legiert, um … 1095 steel is highly respected by sword makers. 440a. Also, any advantage or disadvantage for general bushcraft use? ), Store fixed blade knives with leather sheath outside their sheaths as leather absorbs moisture and breed mold and more. A2 has long been known as the classic standby for a fixed blade steel. Maybe pros and cons of all? When you can cut a thick, hemp line at a moments notice to avoid being pulled under the dock at the last second, the old auto came through in the clutch. Remington makes great oil wipes that are perfect for blades. I decided to do this on 20 point scale, where I assign a maximum of 5 points to the 4 categories of Ease of Sharpening, Toughness, Edge Retention and Corrosion Resistance. The HC stands for "high carbon" and it can be brought to a higher hardness than regular 420 and should not be mistaken for it. Yeah, the writer of this article is pretty far off base with 1095 steel. If 1095 steel is so is so bad about rusting, why are there so many civil war swords still around, because the wner had the fore sight to wipe then down and take care of them. OTHER BLADE MATERIAL COMPARISONS: D2 vs 1095 Steel: The Better Steel for Blades. Comparing something like 1084 vs 1095 then in regards to wear resistance is talking about a very small fraction of a percent difference in carbide volume. A2. Sharpening 420HC vs S35VN. I love 1095 high carbon blades!! ", https://www.amazon.com/3-IN-ONE-Multi-Purpose-Oil-3-oz/dp/B0002JN5PG/ref=as_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8&linkCode=sl1&tag=puefink1-20&linkId=8a7f281e1aca92b3250036ce80910161. Hey Jeff; Thanks for your question. 1095. Use it and let it patina, and the upkeep is minimal. You can't go wrong with this timeless tool steel. Bushcraft Friend. a mix) of carbon and iron that is often enriched with other elements to improve certain characteristics depending on the desired application. So in essence, 1095 steel would have more wear resistance, but would also be less tough. Those who “strip” their 1095 knives as soon as they buy them are making a really silly mistake. Though other types of steel, especially stainless, would be more useful and efficient for a variety of utensil uses, 1095 is still very useful for a number of dining tools. Christopher Wade is a true outdoorsman. You can't go wrong with this timeless tool steel. Ka-Bar under 1095 Cro-Van name and Bark River as 50-110B. Really like the Izula II. Hey, thanks for your helpful and encouraging comments! Posted by 3 years ago. AS I was reading through it I thought , that’s not right ? Christopher Wade. It’s one of the oldest blade steels around, and lends itself to a wide range of heat treatment. Honestly, you clean the blade with warm soapy water, dry it thoroughly, and you likely wont have an issue. Zo kan een 420HC staal van Buckvan hogere kwaliteit zijn dan van een andere fabrikant. Get it wet and stick it in a drawer for months, and it’ll rust. You can check out the oil at this link: https://www.amazon.com/3-IN-ONE-Multi-Purpose-Oil-3-oz/dp/B0002JN5PG/ref=as_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8&linkCode=sl1&tag=puefink1-20&linkId=8a7f281e1aca92b3250036ce80910161. 1095 steel would be perfect for functional show swords, such as those found throughout military ceremonies. Because 1095 steel can be considered more brittle than other types of steel, it is generally good for blades that are not too thin. a half inch thick 27 inch bowie knife ,hardened properly will give yaers of use if maintained properly. It is said to be roughly comparable to 440A. There is debate about this claim. (A good patina would be the good rust. The handle is made of brown and black layered linen Micarta. I’ve had also used a thin wipe of peanut oil as well. Just like the HSS Steels and the “Tool Steels” that I worked with for 40 years. I have a leather sheath for it but don’t want that saturated with oil either. That alone will prevent most of your bad rust. I have a few 1095 folders that are decades old and absolutely fine. Ka-Bar has used 1095 in it’s military fighting knives for 70+ years and it seems to hold up well. Like the 420HC stainless steel, the 440C stainless steel has the ability to developing a greater hardness than other grades in the 400 series when heat-treated. Hey Dave; Thanks for the message and thanks for checking out knifeup.com. Really like the Izula II. I have never found it to be brittle, and any knife blade can potentially snap if it is used as a pry bar regardless of the thickness or steel used. I bought a custom made kukri combat knife made out of 1095 high carbon steel and I’ve put it through some very rigorous tests, chopping on dead oak trees, even bricks!! Joined Sep 12, 2010 Messages 970 Likes 8 Location Great Lakes. what are the differences between the two steels? Thanks again for bothering to comment! Both the D2 and 1095 are products of AISI or American Iron and Steel Institute. He used it on his cleavers and other high carbon steel blades. aus8 is a stainless steel made In japan. Common sense and minimum care and it’ll outlast the owner. See more 420HC steel knives. Thanks in advance! 440C is about the best stainless for the money and can be found at reasonable prices. Maybe pros and cons of all? I once had a set of kitchen knives made of 1095. FREE Shipping by … What you're using to sharpen can also make a big difference. Find out more about how we use your information in our Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy. The best all around buy going, IMO, is the Benchmade Rant. Gerber Bear Grylls Parang Machete . niedrig legierte Stahlsorten, die neben Kohlenstoff keine oder wenig andere Legierungselemente enthalten. Carbonstahl zeichnet sich aus durch höchste Schärfe und Stabilität und wird auch Kohlenstoffstahl oder C-Stahl genannt. Great camp knives. I decided to do this on 20 point scale, where I assign a maximum of 5 points to the 4 categories of Ease of Sharpening, Toughness, Edge Retention and Corrosion Resistance. Clean it with alcohol. For example, it is not an appropriate grade of steel for tools, folding knives, or sushi knives. It has a carbon content of .95% which serves to harden the steel and reduce the amount of wear that a blade will experience over time. D2 vs 1095 vs 420HC. A light wipe of food grade type of oil is simply insurance. 440c is stainless 420hc is made just for buck knives. I love KnifeUp. The oil forms a barrier that prevents moisture from reaching the steel. It's a 4.5" 440C blade with a great feeling molded on rubber handle. In their composition, D2 is a high Chromium steel while Carbon level in 1095 is substantial. The Acid Rain finish and sawback spine add to the sweet looks, while the toughness of the black and brown layered linen Micarta handle finishes the knife with superb looks and durable toughness. I may have to do some more corrosion testing and modify the ratings. 420hc would be a must better steel for a knife I can be harden to over 60rc and it is corrosion resistance. J. Wich is what i understand by your comment ‘far of base’ it’s an old and extremely useful steel. 420HC from Buck Knives is generally of higher quality than 420 or 420HC. The sword are differentially hardened using a clay temper. In comparison, D2 is not as tough as 1095 but can retain its edge for much longer. Alongside edge geometry and design, blade steel is a critical element that determines how a knife performs. They also helped me save $30! 1095, a popular high-carbon steel for knives; it is harder but more brittle than lower carbon steels such as 1055, 1060, 1070, and 1080. Feb 10, 2013 #1 = condor bushlore vs. becker16. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. The carbon content of 440A, 440B and 440C increased successively. The coatings are not going to change the ability of the steel from throwing a spark if hit by hard stone, such as flint or chert. A useage not mentioned here is that it combines very well with a mild steel in Damascus blades, the costruction of which make 1095 effectively much tougher. 1045 steel has less carbon (.45%), where 1095 has more (.95%), inversely 1095 has less manganese and 1045 has more. Messerklingen aus rostendem Kohlenstoffstahl, nicht korrosionsbeständigem (meist magnetisierbarem, ferritischem) Messerstahl können korrodieren, wenn sie nicht stets nach Gebrauch getrocknet werden.. Mid Tier Steels. By popular request I have created a steel chart, where I try to simply map out the relative merits of each steel. If you’re on a very tight budget but you need something of decent quality, a Buck Knife with 420HC is simply okay. 1045 steel has less carbon (.45%), where 1095 has more (.95%), inversely 1095 has less manganese and 1045 has more. Get it as soon as Wed, Dec 30. This Steel Eagle Delta Class series fixed blade has been outfitted with a 7.5″ clip point blade in an Acid Rain finish and brown micarta handle scales. 1095 is a plain high carbon steel. 1095 is a decent steel that can have varying qualities depending on manufacturing variables (like most steel) but it typically has a Rockwell Hardness Value of around 55 which is a smidge on the soft side. I oil it ofen so no rust issues, 1095 steel makes a very good knife lot of saw Mills a round here used to use 15n20 glove it not thick enough went to 1095 lever looked back make your self a peanut samwch wipe off good to go. It features a 7.5″ clip point blade with a full tang. 1095 is budget-friendly and widely available. 1045 holds an okay edge, 1095 steel holds an edge great, and is easy to sharpen. Bill – Trained Metallurgist. D2 vs 1095 vs 420HC. I live in a part of the US where the humidity is usually high but these old knives do not require that much attention to prevent the bad rust. The Steel Eagle Delta Class has been tested for over a decade in the harsh environment of military special ops with excellent results, Check for Latest Pricing : Amazon | BladeHQ. Enough said. Buck uses this in its Chinese imports as well as many of its USA made knives. Da kein Chrom enthalten ist, sind diese Messer nicht rostfrei. And this knife is 13 3/4″ long and weighs 2lbs 8oz. Der 1095 Kohlenstoffstahl dieser Machete ist extrem scharf und die Waffe eignet sich gut dazu kleine Gewächse zu roden und den Weg vom Gestrüpp zu befreien. If you’re looking for more info on 440C to help you decide it’s good blade steel for your knife, you’ve come to the right place. Ka-Bar and Bark river use this steel in their knives. It shines, but there are other steels out there which are better formulated to be used in such objects. Steel comes in a variety of forms. Again, like the 420HC stainless steel, the 440C stainless steel possesses a high resistance to abrasion, corrosion and … I haven't found such clear law advice anywhere else. A steel designation trademarked by Cold Steel, Carbon V reportedly fits between a 1095 and O1 grade and is similar to 50100-B. 3 Ways to Actually Sleep When Camping in a Hammock, Camping With Diabetes : A Beginner’s Guide, Best Hunting Knives : Folding and Fixed Blade, Buying Guides, Knife Life, Knives, Our Favorite Knives, "I've been looking for knife law guides for a while and your articles are amazing. Get it as soon as Wed, Dec 30. I have a tops b. o. b in 1095 and I find it to be very durable… holds its edge for a decent time too…. ", "KnifeUp's series of knife reviews was really helpful. Dad’s old switchblade held a razor’s edge, saving his arm (and life) on the docks of the Bremerton Naval Shipyards. The above steels are some very commonly used steels in cheaper knives that can be pretty good depending on how they are heat treated. Christopher Wade is a true outdoorsman. If time and sharpening skill is not an issue the exotic steel outperforms the traditional, or if the knives never get sharpened, the exotic steels would hold an kind of useful edge longest. It is often used in some types of machetes. Remember, a little mineral oil, wipe clean and a nice patina will pretty much take care of the rest! I read I should oil my blade weekly, but what kind of oil is best to prevent my blade from rusting? Generally it is superior to stainless steel, will hold an edge longer and is easier to sharpen. It comes with a nice leather sheath and can be purchased for around $50. Next Last. ... Buck widely uses 420HC in their knives to great success. Steel in the range 1045-1095 are used for knife blades, although 1050 is more commonly seen in swords. It is also used by others. I have an original usmc kbar that was taken into battle and then went to me. Though it can be used in tools such as chopping knives, it is not necessarily the most effective choice. I use 1095 for leaf springs on my switchblades.so it’s not brittle at all after tempering, Stagnut, ASTM 1095 Steel has some Very Good Qualities – The problems DO NOT come from this specific alloy – The Issues, Problems, and the Wide Variance, is due to the heat treating processes that it May have been exposed to. Im no metal smith... :) Can someone provide some basic info on the types of steel mentioned? This article doesn’t mirror my experience with 1095. USMC K-Bar 1095 steel, own one for over 30 years abuse the hell out of it and all is good. Using a stainless steel for scraping a ferro-cerium rod is excellent. It would also function very well in replica swords and blades, as well as daggers. Alongside edge geometry and design, blade steel is a critical element that determines how a knife performs. About the author. Make your own sheath. I own an Ontario brand knife. Dnot believe everything you believe on the net, do your homework. and that , he’s miles off the mark about that , and that ! The only thing I found that you might disagree with is the comment one of our writers made regarding the use of 1095 with folder knives. I found a great knife that did exactly what I wanted to do thanks to them. It’s tough, but that’s about it. I have a 50 year old K Bar survival knife hanging in the sheath from a nail in my garage in humid washington state that simply does not rust. 1095 and 1075 are both high carbon steels 1075 is a little tougher then 1095 but the latter holds a edge better and has been used by Ka-Bar for the army and marine fighting knives since WW2 so 1095 has to be a good steel for the government to use it that long. It has a carbon content of .95% which serves to harden the steel and reduce the amount of wear that a blade will experience over time. Properties of 1095 Steel. My KA bar is made from this..USM knife of choice since 1945. For their composition, D2 is high on chromium steel, while 1095 has substantial levels of carbon.As a result, D2 can be called more or less a semi-stainless material, and 1095 is a classic high carbon steel material.. Thread starter Paul Foreman; Start date Feb 10, 2013; 1; 2; Next. 440c is stainless 420hc is made just for buck knives. Bushwacker73 Scout. Also, any advantage or disadvantage for general bushcraft use? Sorry…I love the high carbon steels, have a bunch of KaBar and they rock! 440. By the way, files are made of 1095 steel, axes, cross cut saws chisels and a host of other tools. Nevertheless (me being a Luddite, who LIKES doing things the old way), it is more than adequate for most knife applications that don’t put large shocks or stresses on the blade, and it is relatively cheap to buy. Joined Nov 20, 2012 Messages 13,977 Likes 54,219 Location Sellers, Alabama, in South Montgomery County. I loved their performance but eventually gave them up for the rust issues ( my lack of care to blame ). 420HC: A 420 stainless modified with more carbon, and normally a better heat treatment. I have no idea from where he gets his info. After spending most of his career as a firearms expert and instructor in Nebraska, he retreated to the great outdoors to enjoy retirement. The site is under new ownership as of May 2018, and I’ll review this article and its accuracy and relevancy soon. 420HC and 440A are not good choices for hunting/fishig/camping utility blades. If he could carry it on the deck of a Destroyer or Mine Sweep without having it corrode away to nothing I’m pretty certain that I can carry it in a friction pouch and us it much as he did. I am having the knife duplicated. Carbon V® Knife Steel A steel designation trademarked by Cold Steel, Carbon V reportedly fits between a 1095 and O1 grade and is similar to 50100-B. Stripping the coating of a small portion of the spine would, theoretically, cover all bases. They are easy to sharpen and hold the edge! Anyway the article doesn’t do the steel justice. This author knows nothing of knife alloys and steels. 1095, though not alloyed with chromium like stainless steel, takes a great polish very easily. 440er Stahl für Messerklingen: 440A- 440B und 440C Stahl im Vergleich. whatever tops do in their forging and hardening their 1095, it works great. It is was good enough for soldiers in war, then it ought to be possible for the average citizen. 420HC: A 420 stainless modified with more carbon, and normally a better heat treatment. Produkteigenschaften: Gesamtlänge: 49,5cm; Klingenlänge: 34cm; Gewicht: 719g; Stahl: 1095 high carbon Stahl; Die Gerber Bear Grylls Parang Machete ist ein kompaktes und gut ausbalanciertes … Soak it in vinegar or blue it. 1095 steel, when used in knives, holds a great edge and is very easy to sharpen. The knife laws need updating as well. 1095 is a terrific folding knife blade steel, it easily takes a super sharp edge, but it has to be touched up frequently to maintain it. Despite the reduction in wear created by the high presence of carbon, 1095 steel is not as tough as other types of steel due to the lower levels of manganese, which serves to harden the steel. Thanks in advance! I'm Pete and I'm just a small man in a small rural town who loves the outdoors as much as the other million internet users that cruise sites like Knifeup.com every day. It is was good enough for soldiers in war, then it ought to be possible for the average citizen. 1 of 2 Go to page. As an added bonus Choji oil has a lovely clove smell do to this natural addative. Thanks for your help. 1095 Cro-Van(Sharon Steel) - Based on 1095 steel, with the addition of small amounts of V, Mo, Ni, Cr.Improved wear resistance and toughness compared to 1095. And, for those who care, I have 42 years of wilderness canoeing and bushcraft experience in Northern Ontario and spend most of my Summers covered in mosquitos and fish slime, but hey, it's a lifestyle choice eh? This Steel Eagle knife features a full tang clip point blade with a durable acid rain coating and a sawback spine. Otherwise, it looks like you didn’t really disagree with very much, so I’m guessing that we’re not exactly “pretty far off base” as you mentioned. In my restaurant we use handmade 1095 knives, easy to maintain with a little care and always super sharp, because they are so easy to sharpen and hold an edge well. Steel in the range 1045-1095 are used for knife blades, although 1050 is more commonly seen in swords. TOPS Knives Steel Eagle Delta Class is no slouch when it comes to performance, but it gets top marks for looks! Lest you think this knife is all bark and no bite (metaphorically speaking of course), you’ll want to take note that it has been tested for over 10 years in a row within the military and special ops communities and has not been found lacking! During the past few years, after buying and/or inheriting cheap stainless steel cutlery that were hard work to sharpen and held an edge no better, I missed my old carbon steel which were so easily sharpened. 420HC (420C) is a higher carbon content 420 stainless steel. It can be taken to springy to stone hard. This is because steel needs to serve a variety of functions. Paul Foreman Supporter. The author of this article is long gone and I have never met him. It is said to be roughly comparable to 440A. It is easy to sharpen, but if a blade made with this type of steel doesn’t have a decent amount of thickness behind it, it is liable to break easily. You can use this chart to try to find the best steel for you. The blade edge is harder than the rest of the blade. The carbon content of 440A, 440B and 440C increased successively. IRS Forms 1094-C and 1095-C are filed by employers that are required to offer health insurance coverage to their employees under the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare. When a sharpening is eventually necessary, 1095 take far less time and effort in order to return its sharpness compared to the D2 Love it. 420HC and 440A are not good choices for hunting/fishig/camping utility blades. It is also a very good metal for blades used in ritual, or religious purposes. What? Most all of the knives I own are 1095 steel. There isn’t much need to lay on a thick film of oil or grease or vasiline on your knife either. However, the properties of this type of steel give it a tendency to easily rust if not oiled and deliberately cared for. There are lots of options but I use 3-in-one oil. Properly heat-treated, O1 and 1095-grade steels are seen as by many equal to any expensive stainless steel grades. 1095 is a wonderful knife steel heat when treated to 58-60 on the Rockwell scale. Results Should be a Hardness of Rockwell C-54 to C-62, Tensile of 270 to 350 KIPS, Bending Moment of 7% S.B. What you're using to sharpen can also make a big difference. Can you help? Information about your device and internet connection, including your IP address, Browsing and search activity while using Verizon Media websites and apps. Sharpening 420HC vs S35VN. 440c is mid-range (that used to be a high-end) stainless steel that offers great corrosion resistance and great wear resistance, and will take a great mirror polish so the answer is YES, It’s a good steel for knives, but It has low toughness. We zullen niet te diep ingaan op de processen die komen kijken bij het harden door hittebehandeling en het afkoelen van het staal, maar het heeft op niveau van atomen een hele grote invl… Can you help? WD-40 also works. Yet, although manganese hardens steel when used in certain levels, in higher levels it makes for a more brittle blade overall. The Steel Eagle series has been time-tested over 10 continuous years in the field. Het is goed om te weten dat niet alleen de staalsoort belangrijk is, maar ook hoe goed de hittebehandeling van de staalsoort is. By the way, files are made of 1095 steel, axes, cross cut saws chisels and a host of other tools. The 440C stainless steel has been used for a long time to make knives by popular brands like Benchmade and Böker. 440c is mid-range (that used to be a high-end) stainless steel that offers great corrosion resistance and great wear resistance, and will take a great mirror polish so the answer is YES, It’s a good steel for knives, but It has low toughness. Christopher Wade. It … If you are lucky like with Patriot Manly you can even find a CPM (powdered) steel in this price range however the above is a guideline for proper steels in this price class. I wish I hadn’t tossed them, I didn’t know what I had. Posted by 3 years ago. Supporter. ... 1095: 1095 is the steel used in many US Military fighting knives and is the de-facto industry standard for combat knives. Last edited: Oct 4, 2010. KnifeUp.com is a production of 3hree 6ixteen Net Assets. Steel is essentially an alloy (i.e. FREE Shipping by … What you're using to sharpen can also make a big difference. Die Rostbeständigkeit ist Top, die Schnitthaltigkeit bleibt auf der Strecke. Steel is essentially an alloy (i.e. If you want to play with this steel get an old hickory small butcher or boning knife dropped on your door step for less than $20. I even like the way it darkens up over the years, it really sets off the razor edge! 1045、1050、1055、1060、1084、1095 ... 炭素量が多い420hcは440aに相当し、他の420ステンレス鋼と比較して比較的高いエッジ保持がありますが、耐摩耗性は劣ります。 425m 440aと同様な特徴。 In doing a bit more research I’ve decided not to change that comment since some of the more reputable knives made with 1095 are fixed blades. It has a carbon content of 0.90-1.03% Many older pocket knives and kitchen knives were made of 1095. – 1095 – O1 – 80CrV2 – C100 – D2. 1095 has long been popular among knife makers for its easy workability, high toughness, and good edge holding. Kohlenstoffstahl ist nicht rostfrei, aber eignet sich hervorragend für Messerklingen und die Herstellung von Damaszenerstahl. 1095 is budget-friendly and widely available. As it gains a grey patina through use, this oxidation will actually protect the blade against rust. Hey Knife Up gang! You can change your choices at any time by visiting Your Privacy Controls. I'm really happy I found KnifeUp. To keep your 1095 knife rust free and working for the longest time possible, rinse it off after every use, wipe it clean, and oil it once a week. As far as oiling a knife used in the kitchen, I use camelia oil as was taught to me by a friends dad who was a Chinese butcher. The best advice I can offer is get a good patina on your blades. In choosing the best pocket knife you should pay particular attention to the type of steel used in the blade. A steel designation trademarked by Cold Steel, Carbon V reportedly fits between a 1095 and O1 grade and is similar to 50100-B. 1095. Compared to HAP (hrc 70+)steel or zdp 189 the experience is that, because of the time consuming sharpening of the exotic steel, that the 1095 knifes are the sharpest – not in theory but in the real world. Re: Performance of 440C vs. 1095 Post by augustus88 » Sun Sep 04, 2011 9:12 pm I have 3 Great Eastern knives in 440C and a whole bunch of Northfields in 1095. 1095 Steel is a basic form of carbon steel and is most commonly used in the construction of various kinds of knives. The best all around buy going, IMO, is the Benchmade Rant. Aging, Oven “Draw-Back”, Annealing, Oil Quenching, Saline Quenching, and “Shock” (Cold) Tempering All Result in Widely varying Properties. What it is: Crucible resistance, corrosion resistance. American standard 440 series stainless steel including: 440A, 440B, 440C, 440F. This type of steel is high quality. D2 is also much more resistant to corrosion than 1095.