I am afraid to drive it because something else will break. I commented above a while back on the failure of my transmission in my 2018 F-150. I could see an issue with Mercon ULV causing an issue with the 10-speed. Nothing but a headache… I THREE times I’ve taken Is unsafe. If it is, … They are supposedly trailering it back. hard downshift 10 – 9th like hitting a 2 ft pothole at 65-70 mph and same hard up shifts from 3rd – 5th. Fortunately, after I picked the truck up, it failed after 30 minutes, the back wheels locked up and screeched to a stop! I have owned many Ford trucks in my life and had hoped this truck would be one I own for a long time to travel in, since I’m retired. Many Ford F-150 pickups with EcoBoost have a condition where the vehicle shudders or stalls during normal use. By 70 I should be in 10th gear. I asked about getting an independent transmission shop to look at it. For around-the-clock Ford news coverage. 2019 Chevrolet Silverado 1500 High Country vs. 2019 Ford F-150 Limited vs. 2019 Ram 1500 Limited We compare Detroit's finest pickups to find out which is best. They redesigned the engine for the 2021 models. . I’m still waiting for that reimbursement 2 months later. It’s believed that the cause of the issues may be a defect with the new 10-speed automatic transmissions in 2017-2019 Ford F-150s. Imagine that. Therapy for both engine and trans actually. I have taken it to the dealer 3 times all I get is they claim it’s normal for the 10 speed. I previously had a new 2013 F150 that had 60,000 miles when it would have a sudden loss of power and would not accelerate until I shut the truck off and then turn it on again which would reset the computer. Get shudder fixx here: https://amzn.to/2C82LtbSo I’m dealing with an unmaintained transmission that has a slight torque converter shudder. Made a two hundred mile round trip to Tucson recently and caned the truck quite a bit; lots of on ramps leading on to a 75mph freeway, and traffic lights on roads with a 50 mph speed limit, so I got stress the thing a lot. Very dangerous. Now it usually happens after 4th or 5th. I worked several part time retirement jobs so I could pay this one off quickly and not have a payment. It’s like the brain is thinking “what the hell is next?” and taking some time before it drops it’s guard. Inam 65. The process so far with ford has been absolutely horrible. If they don’t, then I would support the lawsuit. You have bad clutches in your transmission. Ford needs to absolutely correct this issue for good. I got it back in October, and it doesn’t even have 7k miles on it. Meanwhile, the lawsuit says the adaptive transmission shift strategy does not address the 10-speed’s numerous other shifting issues. If buying a F-150 try to buy low mile with a 6 speed transmission. I doubt that is a programming issue, or that it just needs time to adapt to my driving. I’m a Ford guy of 60 years. This can cause a quick shudder in the power delivery, but enough moisture will send your F150 into “limp mode.” This problem typically exists in states with high-humidity levels, like Florida or Texas. Similar issues with slipping from 1-3 or 3-5 after start. Your email address will not be published. We both have issues with this transmission. The 2015 generation of F150 is a vehicle in which this is a huge problem. They are both fine and yes they do change shifting on my mode selection. Made it worse. Yes, interested if GM has had any issues? First step was to change transmission fluid which completely eliminated the noise and shudder on … 2018- Chevrolet Tahoe If it weren’t for me being able to fix all my own junk, and being paid for, that piece of shit Ford would have been traded for a Toyota Tundra long ago. These sudden loss of power issues with 2 different F150’s does not leave me with much confidence in the safety of their trucks. I really want my 2007 f150 back it had 200000 on it and shifted better, Ditto Matt!! He described the root cause Ford gave was axle windup due to leaf spring design. Sounds like I may be screwed. Been serviced last fall and they replaced computer and valve body. Ford F-150 owners have reported 46 problems related to vehicle shudder (under the power train category). From a stop, multiple times it has started in 7th gear. Then shifting between 4th and 6th gear it clunks Intermittently. August 12, 2019, 2:08 pm My transmission has just been replaced on my 2019 F150 Lariat. And with 10,000 miles in a year and a half it shouldn’t need transmission fluid. I wonder why there are problems when it is all computer controlled. i had a 2018 with 2.7eb shifting was fine except for the auto stop start feature. In typical development of any thing new including software, each stage of the process is given time and as usual, delays come up in the development. I have owned 3 new F150s with the 6 speed and loved them all. That was in september. That’s the snakey lawyer’s personal take. I have a 2012 traverse. Unless you are constantly watching your speedometer (instead of the road), your speed is probably going to drift up and down a bit. Not sure about that!! Just waiting to hear what they say now…. Dash said “drive mode not available”. $58K truck and it just sits! They were nice, gave me a case #, but nothing else. Harsh downshifts constantly. The problem was a valve timing solenoid. Glad this is only a lease. Ford F150 Shaking When Idling Diagnosis. Just dropped truck off at dealer and waiting to see what they say. Where do I sign up for this law suit. From Washing Machiines, to Smart Phones, have received them all. Wish me luck. Hits what behaves as neutral between gears. We will see if there is a difference. The dealer had no loaners available and did not have a rental department, so I had to rent a car. It’s so disappointing that these firms Profit substantially while, ‘Representing a Class’ of people over anything. I type this while sitting in a Ford Service department waiting to see what they say about my 2018 F-150 bought brand new in March 2019. Being handled very poorly, observations include failure to shift into second after cold start with temperatures below 50f with a delay resulting in reved up motor with a sudden clunk and then swift jerk forward. I can see how certain drivers might experience worse shifting issues that may be amplified by driving style. I have had some issues in my 2018 F150 with the transmission. Also, when going to lunch, I put truck into reverse and the entire vehicle jerks into gear shaking myself and passengers. No tooling marks and clean. Also please check out the statistics and reliability analysis of Ford F-150 based on all problems reported for the F-150. Dale, I’m on another forum and a mechanic said the same thing what you just posted. First 10 days, had no loaner vehicles available, then 10 days in an EcoSport which they could only allow me to put 400 miles on to keep below 2000, then switched into a 19 F150 and they extended through Monday. That’s what I said about the GM 8-speed SUV we own. May I suggest that the folks experiencing the problems drive for 1200-1500 miles of break-in using every drive mode with both highway and around town driving so the PCM can learn. 8k miles is no miles in my book; I expect transmissions to go at least 250k. All rights reserved. These new fluids contract a lot when cold and yours may not have the correct level when cold. The Chevy Colorado and the GMC Canyon has a TSP out there and the fix is a change of the type of transmission fluid. I haven’t had the hard downshifting since the rebuild but I do still have the low speed transmission hesitations, like it doesn’t know what gear to choose or that it’s stuck in 1st. If you've blown a gasket and drive your car just a few more miles you may cause even more damage to your car. A faulty electronic throttle is a known as well as quite serious problem for the Ford F150. Have to start all over. The engine pulled out of a funk it’s had lately and trans is back to a more decisive shift strategy. (12 Mustangs) we cannot drive this piece of dangerous junk. Leaked freon all the time. 5. I bought my 2019 Ranger about 2 months ago, the brakes have done went out, I got that fixed. Another suit, filed on January 14 in Pennsylvania, takes issue the 10R80 transmissions in 2017-2020 model year F-150s. I’ve had the brakes engage on their own. But being retired and on a fixed income, I can’t afford to take on a new truck payment. The car is simply awesome and so is the 10speed. The Owning two 2018 vehicles with this transmission, I can say that the one in my mustang GT acts funny sometimes, but has never been much of an issue, and the same trans in my F150 3.5 eco has had zero issues whatsoever. But always had a curious (bad?) I was at work, and shifted it into reverse only for it not to even move. Class action lawsuit?! I bought mine new in May 2018, has the 5.0 V8 and 10 speed transmission. Slips from 4th to 5th lost 3rd for a bit. My transmission has just been replaced on my 2019 F150 Lariat. Show More. He went through similar tribulations with shims, transmission firmware, etc. I requested a new transmission be put in, instead of rebuilding this one. I could feel and hear a clunking in the transmission. Shaking from fear and anger, I limped it back to the dealer AND LEFT THE TRUCK RUNNING so they could capture an error code. It has come to our attention that some Ford truck owners are experiencing a vibration issue when towing with their Ford truck. just found out my 2017 F150 needs a new transmission and it’s too new that they don’t have parts – so a whole new transmission needs to be put in. Only way to check it is when completely warmed up, level ground, running in park, using the dipstick underneath the fill port on the trans. Cold starts are NOISY and rattly. Ask Your Own Ford Question. I’ve had the autostart fail and I drifted into an intersection before I realized the motor didn’t start back up. Before you go trying to figure out which one is causing your F150 to feel like it’s on spin cycle, make sure that the check engine light isn’t on. An error message had me put the truck in park and restart…in the middle of an intersection. sign up for our newsletter for the latest new. It is after all, a complex product that is operated by a computer interpreting the drivers input… hope this helps. It generally occurs at part throttle and light acceleration, between 15 and 50 miles per hour, just before the shift to one of the top gears where the converter reaches "lock-up." The most recently reported issues are listed below. Attorneys are investigating whether a class action can be filed over possible transmission problems in 2017-2019 Ford F-150s after drivers reported hearing a "clunking" noise when starting the trucks. Sign me up, usually I have to pay extra for trans modification and\or tuning to get that. Stehen , i have a new 2019 f 150 10 speed and started having shifting issues a month after i bought the truck one service manager said its normal and no codes , went to another dear in town and he admitted that ford know they have shifting issues and have no fixes as of yet . I was about to push the button on a new F150. That ain’t nothing. It never did this hard downshift again that day but it also never shifted into 10th gear the rest of the way to my new place. The Henry Ford And Hagerty Form Partnership To Promote Car Culture, Ford Safety Insights Finds Canadian Partner In City Of Windsor, Ford Territory Compact Crossover Headed To Mexico: Exclusive, Ford F-150 BEV Still On Track For 2022 Debut, Automaker Confirms, Michigan Attorney General Joins Effort To Reconsider Ford Focus, Fiesta Transmission Case, Henry Ford Trade School Helped Spark This 92-Year-Old’s Long Career, https://www.nhtsa.gov/sites/nhtsa.dot.gov/files/documents/812520.pdf. It’s a computer program written by nerds. Junk! Ford is already hurting from the DCT troubles/suit…believe Getrag made that. Back. They tried to tell me they were just going to replace the valve body and I wouldn’t have it. I am getting rid of this thing. Take A Sneak Peak At The Movies Coming Out This Week (8/12) New Movie Releases This Weekend: February 12th – February 14th I call BS. I have a 2018 Mustang GT with 10 speed and 2018 F150 Platinum with 10 speed. And so far mine is fine, especially after a “tune up”. 4000 miles on my 2019 F150 Fx4. A note: after beating the truck up on my “tough love” section of road, the trans takes awhile to settle down to zooshy shifts again. I got the 2.7 Eco Boost. It never worked properly since it was new. — Starfish Who Just Wants To Grill (@IRHotTakes) December 31, 2020 Was 2020 the worst year … A number of Ford F-150 drivers have reported hearing a loud “clunking” noise when starting their trucks. Especially cold it shifts hard, has pauses in gear selection and overall just doesn’t shift well cold. From the F150 guys it seem to be electronic ot software by the problems reported. Maybe 7 out of 10 are good with no sound or problems. alfred ferrarini on February 12, 2019: By the time I drive to Ford dealer, it is warm and does not slip. Required fields are marked *. I have an 18 lariat special edition, the transmission is really bad. As such the trans lightens up a bit on shift firmness and adapts to what it thinks is a cadaver driving it. Use google images to look at F150 ten speed and you’ll see the fill port on passenger side – its a raised plug just aft of the bell housing. It is now 24 January 2020 and they still have my truck torn apart on the lift at Germain Ford in Beavercreek, OH. I compared truck/suv versions and mustang gt vs camaro ss versions. worst purchase of the 10+ trucks ive owned ,NOT looking to get paid in a lawsuit just looking to get a transmission that shifts properly , that’s all. Ford is adamant about the sole use of Mercon ULV in its 10 speed; I wonder what GM is using in their version. P/E knew enough to drop a big bucket of $$$$ at GM to let them look over GM’s shoulder when they designed new transmissions, but they couldn’t leave well enough alone. I own a 2019 Mustang GT with the 10 speed transmission and 3:55 rear, manga ride suspension and virtually every available option. But It probably a side effect of shift by wire technology and cramming all those gears into a trans when they are not really needed. We got rid of that sucker fast! The Instant Shudder Fixx is a concentrated formula that works with all synthetic and traditional automatic transmission fluids. Typical corporate bs looking to blame anything they can find to not take responsibility for their bad products. Of over engineering for subtle improvements causes a vehicle pile up jerk with the 10speed the... Said, only Ford technicians qualify to declare there ’ s not covered because it s! Lawyer about this situation, as normal, cruise on 68mph 3rd and whatever gear does... Strip for no reason will break if the truck and transmission have been working good for me but not! Source of the 10 speed because when they open up people in our country the market, and it back... Again in a year and a half it shouldn ’ t forget the Shyster lawyer will surely his! 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